Depending on who you talk to, “healthy eating” may look like any number of different things. It seems like everyone has an opinion on what is the healthiest way to eat. The truth is healthy eating doesn’t have to be complex. It is possible to nourish your body with the foods it needs while also enjoying the foods that you love. After all, food is meant to be enjoyed not feared, counted, weighed, and tracked.

Food is what fuels your body and gives you energy while delivering the calories and nutrients your body needs to function. Therefore, your health may suffer if your diet is deficient in calories or one or more nutrients. Likewise, if you eat too many calories, you may experience weight gain. Additionally, the quality of your diet affects your physical and mental health which is why it is imperative that you are fueling your body with the proper foods.

Different types of foods can also contribute to your level of overall health. For example, diets filled with highly processed foods can increase the risk of depressive symptoms, particularly among people who get less exercise than those who make working out a part of their daily lives. If your current diet is high in processed foods and drinks such as fast food, soda, and sugary cereals but low in nutrient rich foods such as vegetables, nuts, and fish, you’re likely not eating enough of certain nutrients, which may negatively affect your overall health.

Fueling your body, acquiring necessary nutrients, increasing your health, and promoting optimal mental and physical well-being are just a few reasons why eating a healthy diet is important. However, healthy eating still doesn’t involve a particular diet. It means making your health a priority by fueling your body with nutrient-rich foods. While you should make it a point to limit the amount of processed foods and drinks you consume, that doesn’t mean that you have to eliminate them from your diet entirely.
Listed below are tips for how you can begin eating more healthily:
Eat healthy foods. A healthy diet should be primarily made up of whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and protein sources such as eggs and fish.
Cook at home. Cooking meals at home not only saves you money, but it also helps diversify your diet.
Shop for groceries regularly. If your kitchen is stocked with healthy foods, you’re more likely to make healthy meals and snacks.
Understand that your diet is a work of progress not perfection. Recognize where you are. If you’re eating out every night, cooking one homemade meal per week is significant progress.
Drink lots of water. Staying hydrated is part of healthy eating, and water is the best way to stay hydrated.

If you’re interested in healthy eating, beginning by making just a few small changes can get you headed in the right direction.
Although healthy eating may look a bit different for everyone, balanced diets can look very different from each other while still being made up of a lot of nutrient-dense foods, remaining low in highly processed foods, and including filling meals and snacks.
~This blog was brought to you by S. Donnelly Interiors. Learn more about the interior design project process by following Stephanie Donnelly and her interior design services in Glen Ellyn, Illinois and the surrounding areas!